Saturday, June 20, 2015


The tree came out of the ground like a tower.
It struck the earth, a mighty scepter.
The tree stood impenetrable.
It arose and became
a guardian
giving home to an eagle's nest.
Its roots like anchors, it shielded
the smaller creatures.
Drifting down,
its leaves became poems
and ignited fire.

The tree came from within.
The heart bloomed
like the woods.
Winter shied away,
and spring flooded the wilderness.
All that lay dormant

Monday, May 11, 2015

The dark thing lurks in my vision corners
the dark thing paces
beyond the doorway


why sad, young swallow
sloping playground, driving wind, downwind
your brothers fly far across field.

why sad, little swallow
sitting lonely on a branch in the the school yard
as downy skies accumulate overhead

sad swallow, fly strong
across field and fence; the wind picks up
your wings, just to drop you
for joy to the grass; with a cry
you spin upward, skyward, darting through turbulence,
denying the first drops of rain.