Friday, December 10, 2010

Of all of my simple treasures told,
my silvers, golds, unmentioned stones from rivers, smooth,
and where the air once swept my garden bare--
the small corners in dusty, myriad rooms;

i have kept stray coins, and shards of colored glass,
i've packed promises in well-shut boxes, closed;
i have buried every secret in the briar patch
yet never shall I whisper, even here, of whose

name is written inside the kitchen drawers,
and on the hearth of this house, where the fires stroke
my hands in winter; Lord, who knows
where the sun-charred leaves of autumn fall,
or the petals of a distant summer's rose?


Kaz said...

Beautiful :O)
thankyou for sharing your gift
Lovely Word Pictures
a blessing

Tim Shey said...

My Own Heart let me have more Have Pity On; Let

"MY own heart let me have more have pity on; let
Me live to my sad self hereafter kind,
Charitable; not live this tormented mind
With this tormented mind tormenting yet.
I cast for comfort I can no more get 5
By groping round my comfortless, than blind
Eyes in their dark can day or thirst can find
Thirst ’s all-in-all in all a world of wet.

"Soul, self; come, poor Jackself, I do advise
You, jaded, let be; call off thoughts awhile 10
Elsewhere; leave comfort root-room; let joy size
At God knows when to God knows what; whose smile
’s not wrung, see you; unforeseen times rather—as skies
Betweenpie mountains—lights a lovely mile."

--Gerard Manley Hopkins

Just thought I would put this poem by Hopkins on this post. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the poem you wrote, but I think Hopkins is talking about his self and that it must die.

A brilliant mind is no substitute for spiritual communion with God. The mind must be reigned in and harnessed to work for the Spirit. Hopkins wrote some original, brilliant poetry, but I don't think he entered into union with the Father before he died.

"Take up your cross and follow me."

Pam said...

Love this reflective poem; what a talented soul you are!!

poetsforpeanuts said...

Thank you everyone!


Thank you for reading! So glad you enjoy it. :)


Beautiful poem, I love that line, "Soul, self; come, poor Jackself."

<3 God


Thank you so much! I'm taking my first poetry workshop next semester, I'm super excited about it. :)

Tim Shey said...

Theresa: Just finished reading your book of poems "Room to Grow". I liked it very much. I also liked the illustrations by Chantala Parris.

I hope you have a very blessed 2011.