Sunday, May 30, 2010

Swiftly rides the hour of our night
and the coming dawn, prepared to rise;
I am braced before a ring of light
that softly crowns the pre-dawn skies.

Shall we stumble here, suffice to fall?
These lands were made of darkened heights
and beauties harsh, and scaffold cliffs
that slip the foot and trick the eyes

yet I never faltered, nor was fooled
for here reside those moments few
before new light, when truth shines clear
as crystals, and in darkness, blooms.

I have traveled far, but dawn has come
to greet me; all further roads
are bound by light.


Tim Shey said...

I love this poem; it is really beautiful. I am guessing that you are around 22 years old; you are very mature for your age or your poetry is very mature for your age.

You should submit your poetry to some literary magazines; you should be published. People should read your poetry.

Tim Shey said...

Theresa: Just curious, but where are you going to college? Are you graduating in 2010?

poetsforpeanuts said...


Yes, I'm 21. I've been thinking of publishing some poetry but I don't really know where to start. It might be easier to just do what Poe did and pass out copyrighted pamphlets to get people reading it.

I'm attending a state university, nothing fancy. I'll be graduating Spring 2011, if God's plans don't change for me again. :)

Tim Shey said...

I think you should be published NOW. You have such great talent.

I was hitchhiking in Montana and stayed at this Christian mission in Helena for a couple of nights. I read a little of a biography on Fyodor Dostoyevsky at the library; he self-published one of his books later on in his life--even after he was famous.

If you ever get published or self-publish, please let me know.

poetsforpeanuts said...

Your support means the world to me, and at such a crucial time in my life. Thank you. If you have any quotes or insights having to do with the Bible, or other spiritual matters, please share. I actually have just recently been baptized, and I've only recently began my journey into the "Bible," though I've always loved God with all my heart. Thanks again! :)